Whatsapp Hacking


Hacking WhatsApp by doing a little social engineering | Sending Victim a paid Spyware app to make it installed well :mask:

Hacking WhatsApp on Android Phone by using FlexiSpy

1: purchase the FlexiSpy  program and follow the download and installation instructions outlined in the purchase eMail you’ll receive so to install it on the PC you’ll use to collect the target data.

2: once the program is installed, you’ll receive an activation code. NOTE: keep note of this code as you will have to use it in later stages of the hacking process.

3: once the program is activated, you’ll have to wait for a few minutes for the saved data to be uploaded to your FlexiSpy account.

4: as soon as your data has been saved onto your account, change the icon and default name of the program from “System Update” to another name of your choice - a more appealing or a more usual icon and name based on your target’s tastes/hobbies (a little social engineering to “invite” the target to open the program file on his/her smartphone). In this case, for example, we’ll use “Sound Booster” and to do this we’ll download on our PC and use the APK Icon Editor.

5: open APK Icon Editor and drag the icon of your choice to the space provided as shown in the image below.

6: on the righ frame of the interface, click on the “ApkTool”, select “Properties” and choose the file of your choice from the drop-down list.

7: change the FlexiSpy name to the name you chose (in our case, we chose for example “Sound Booster”) and tap on the “Pack Apk” button to confirm and apply the change.

8: using your eMail address (or an eMail address familiar to the target), send this app along with the FlexiSpy activation code you received during registration to the target phone and request them to download the app. Here a little social engineering is required, because you must make sure that you are convincing enough to make them download and install the app - if the target is well-known it will be easier. Once they download/install the app, you will start monitoring them from your FlexiSpy account’s dashboard.

Hacking WhatsApp by Spoofing the MAC address - A Little old, you need to search for the newer steps!

This technique consists of spoofing the MAC address of the target device on your own device.


  • Android : a rooted own device, and BusyBox  and a Terminal emulator  app installed onto it.
  • iPhone : a jailbroken own device and Mobile Terminal installed onto it.

1: identify and note the MAC address of the target device on which you need to hack WhatsApp account:

  • Android : navigate to Settings > About Device > Status > Wi-Fi MAC address.
  • iPhone : navigate to Settings > General > About > Wi-Fi address.

2: spoof the MAC address

a) on Android

Launch the Terminal app, type su - and press “Enter”. Then type busybox iplink show eth0 and press “Enter” (if you get a “Device not found” message, then change eth0 to wlan0 ). Type busybox ifconfig eth0 hw ether XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX , where " XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX " is the MAC address of the target device. Then check by typing again busybox iplink show eth0 .

b) on iPhone

Launch Mobile Terminal app, type su - root and press “Enter”. Then type ifconfig and note down the MAC address of the network interfaces displayed. Now disable the en0 interface by typing ifconfig en0 down and pressing “Enter”. Change MAC address nvram MAC=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX , where " XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX " is the MAC address of the target device (on oldest iOS version the command is ifconfig en0 lladdr XX.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX ). Now, enable en0 interface typgin ifconfig en0 up and pressing “Enter”. Now go in Settings > Wi-Fi > Other, type in the name (SSID) of the Wi-Fi network and its password, and connect. In case of issues, just start Mobile Terminal app, type nvram -d wifiaddr and press “Enter”. To rollback the changes you must follow the same procedure only specifying as MAC address the previous one (the one you noted before the change).

3: install WhatsApp on your phone using the target phone number and verify it by choosing call verification.

Now you have an exact replica of the target WhatsApp account: from this point henceforth, you will be receiving each and every message that leaves and enters the target phone WhatsApp account.

Happy Learning

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